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Non-equilibrium Statistical Thermohydrodynamics of Turbulence — Simonenko S. V.
Non-equilibrium Statistical Thermohydrodynamics of Turbulence
Научное издание
Simonenko S. V.
год издания — 2006, кол-во страниц — 174, ISBN — 5-02-034265-3, тираж — 1000, язык — английский, тип обложки — твёрд. 7БЦ, издательство — Наука
цена: 299.00 рубПоложить эту книгу в корзину
Формат 60x90 1/16. Печать офсетная
ключевые слова — диссипативн, турбулент, неравновесн, термодинам, вязк, океанограф, стохастич, хаос, хаотич, колмогоров

A new approach to the theory of the small-scale dissipative turbulence based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics, continuum-mechanics and the statistical physics is developed in the monograph. The classical expression for the macroscopic kinetic energy of a small fluid particle in classical non-equilibrium thermodynamics is generalized by taking into account the local velocity shear related with the rate of strain tensor. The closure relation for the three-dimensional isotropic homogeneous small-scale dissipative turbulence (in an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid) is founded by combining the classical statistical approaches, the conception of the statistical ensemble and the classical formulation of the law of large numbers. The significance of the new approach is evaluated for laboratory and oceanic stratified turbulence. The practical application of the new approach is shown in physical oceanography.

For specialists in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, continuum mechanics, statistical physics, hydrodynamics, physical oceanography and for students and post-graduates of related specialities.


1. Introduction9
2. The Macroscopic Kinetic Energy of the Small Fluid Particle19
2.1. The Concept of Internal Shear Kinetic Energy19
2.2. The Macroscopic Kinetic Energy in Classical Non-equilibrium
2.3. The Macroscopic Non-equilibrium Kinetic Energies
of the Small Fluid Particle23
2.4. Homogeneous Fluid Sphere or Cube τ in a Shear Vortical
Three-dimensional Flow32
3. The Kinetic Energy of Wave-Turbulent Pulsation35
3.1. The Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Classical Semiempirical
3.2. The Kinetic Energy of the Small-scale Velocity Pulsations39
4. Freely Decaying Three-Dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous
Small-Scale Turbulence
4.1. Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence
of the Energy-containing Length Scale αLK48
    4.1.1. Freely Decaying Three-dimensional Grid-generated
    Turbulence in Homogeneous Fluid at the Early Stage
    of Decay48
    4.1.2. Stochastic Model of the Three-dimensional Isotropic
    Homogeneous Turbulence of the Energy-containing Inner
    Kolmogorov Length Scale LK50
    4.1.3. The Hydrodynamic Foundation of the Evolution Equation
    for the Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous
    Turbulence of the Energy-containing Inner Kolmogorov
    Length Scale LK52
    4.1.4. The Thermodynamic Foundation of the Evolution Equation
    for the Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence
    of the Energy-containing Length Scale αLK55
    4.1.5. The Time Evolution of the Freely Decaying Three-dimensional
    Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence of the Energy-containing
    Length Scale αLK61
4.2. Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence of the
Energy-containing Length Scale α x LFK (the Fossil Kolmogorov
Length Scale)66
4.3. Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence of the
Energy-containing Ozmidov Inertial-buoyant Length Scale LO73
5. The Overturning Condition of the Small Fluid Particle in an Ideal
Stratified Fluid
5.1. Generalization of the Classical Shear Stability Condition for the
Small Fluid Particle τ of Finite Size in the Three-dimensional
Shear Stratified Flow77
5.2. Two-dimensional Parallel Shear Flow of an Ideal Stratified Fluid86
    5.2.1. The Overturning Conduction for the Two-dimensional
    Parallel Shear Flow of an Ideal Stratified Fluid86
    5.2.2. Stratified Fluid Sphere and Straight Circular Cylinder88
6. Practical Significance of the Macroscopic Internal Shear Kinetic
Energy of the Small Fluid Particle
6.1. Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous Small-scale
Turbulence of the Energy-containing Length Scale l of Turbulent
6.2. Critical Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate in the Stratified
Incompressible Viscous Newtonian Fluid for the Three-dimensional
Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence of the Energy-containing
Ozmidov Inertial-buoyant Length Scale LO94
7. Critical Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rates for Non-Equilibrium
Thermodynamic Regimes of the Three-Dimensional Anisotropic
Small-Scale Stratified Turbulence
7.1 Introduction99
7.2. The Small-scale Dissipative Structures of Turbulence106
    7.2.1. Foundation of the Closure Relation for the
    Three-dimensional Isotropic Homogeneous Small-scale Turbulence
    of the Energy-containing Length Scale I in an Incompressible
    Homogeneous Viscous Newtonian Fluid106
    7.2.2. The Relative Significance of the Macroscopic Internal
    Rotational and Shear Kinetic Energies for the Small-scale
    Dissipative Structures of Turbulence110
7.3. Critical Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate in an Incompressible
Viscous Newtonian Stratified Fluid for the Three-dimensional
Anisotropic Small-scale Turbulence112
    7.3.1. Dependence of the Critical Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate
    on the Coefficient of Local «Rigidity» R of the Local Fluid
    Motion, the Coefficient of Local Anisotropy a of the
    Turbulent Velocity Pulsations and on the Critical Size lcr of
    the Energy-containing Turbulent Eddies112
    7.3.2. Relation of the Coefficient of Local «Rigidity» R(a) and the
    Coefficient of Local Thermodynamic Non-equilibrium ne
    for the Small-scale Turbulent Velocity Field130
    7.3.3. Behavior of the Coefficient of Local Thermodynamic
    Non-equilibrium ne for the Turbulence-wave Transition
7.4. The Overturning Condition for the Small Fluid Particle in an
Ideal Stratified Fluid and the Critical Gradient Richardson
Number, which Characterizes the Transition of Turbulent
Regimes to Wave Regimes of Fluid Motions137
8. Summary of main results145
9. Conclusion156
10. Perspectives of the Non-Equilibrium Statistical
Thermohydrodynamics of Turbulence

Книги на ту же тему

  1. Термодинамика и кинетика биологических процессов: Проблемы неравновесной термодинамики, кинетики переходных процессов, экстремальные принципы, переходные процессы в живых системах, Зотин А. И., ред., 1980
  2. Вязкопластические течения: динамический хаос, устойчивость, перемешивание, Климов Д. М., Петров А. Г., Георгиевский Д. В., 2005
  3. Неравновесная термодинамика и физическая кинетика, Базаров И. П., Геворкян Э. В., Николаев П. Н., 1989
  4. Численный эксперимент в турбулентности: От порядка к хаосу, Белоцерковский О. М., Опарин А. М., 2001
  5. Введение в нелинейную физику: От маятника до турбулентности и хаоса, Заславский Г. М., Сагдеев Р. 3., 1988

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